Author: <span>Stephen</span>

Online Appointments & Clinic Reopening Information
Its with great anticipation to advise that my UK clinic will be reopening in February 2022.
Since last working with clients in my clinic I’ve been book writing, researching during the pandemic and also consulting in the renowned Hightree Medical clinic in Sussex.
I’ve also had a couple of trips to Pakistan during the last 12 months, testing and treating the governor of Punjab as well as the former president of Pakistan in Lahore.
As mentioned I’ll be back in the UK for a period of time consulting testing, advising on a variety of health conditions and newly discovered medicines that restore energy, reduce inflammation and initiate the healing process better than ever before. Clinics to be held in Lincoln, Sheffield, Manchester & London.
If this sounds like it could be useful to you, keep the date in your diary ready and discover what my three years research has revealed about disease and mitochondria and what supplements, fasting and simple lifestyle changes are proven to reduce disease and increase longevity
In the meantime I’m offering online comprehensive consultations – you can contact me here stephenallenlin@gmail.com