Allergy Therapy


The term “allergy” was used as many years ago by Coombes and Gell and is described as “an altered reaction to the norm”.

Bicom Bioresonance therapy has an excellent history of successful long lasting allergy effectiveness following Paediatrician Dr Peter Schumacher’s scientific trial of 200 children.

Of their collection of symptoms that were caused by allergies. 83% were eliminated, 11% improved, showing an overall success of 94%.

Further studies in China have resulted in yet more scientifically proven allergy success with trials of over 2,000 patients. These studies as recent as 2004 were conducted on patients with allergies that related to asthma and eczema and the results with Bicom Bioresonance therapy were excellent.

Conventional testing of allergies is fraught with inconsistencies and what are known as “false positives”. A positive blood test will determine with accuracy the existence of an allergy and you can be rest assured if this test is positive you are definitely allergic to that component. But a negative test does not exclude the fact that, if you eat what you suspect is causing you pain, discomfort, tiredness or symptoms you are not reacting to that.

The key to finding the cause or start of any illness is the careful history taking that alternative practitioners have the time to ask either verbally and/or by carefully detailing your signs and symptoms.

Patch testing and the “pin prick” testing are considered accurate for pollen allergy calendar: Tree pollen - March, April. Grass pollen - from May to July, sometimes until the end of August. Weed pollen - from the end of July until October, dust, and some chemicals.

But are generally very poor for food substances. IGg, IGe via ELISA is commonly considered to be accurate for the food intolerant patient, but are allergies the primary cause of your reaction?

After my 18 years in alternative medicine and 12 years with allergy testing, I now consider food intolerances to be secondary to other causes in over 75% of patients. For instance gut intolerance caused by foods can be caused by bacteria, fungus or parasite. Candida is a common cause of food intolerance due to the penetration of the fungus into the intestine wall. A similar condition is the so-called leaky gut syndrome. This causes a reaction in the blood that treats the food as a foreign protein. Hence the bodies reaction to the food.

Whilst these types of intolerances are dismissed by conventional medicine, research is accumulating as to the reactions they may cause to the brain. Particularly the growing brain of the child. Recent news confirms the effects of E-numbers and additives to be a cause of hyperactivity in vulnerable children. High sugar diet causes the proliferation of Candida that causes the child to suffer extreme highs and subsequent lows in blood sugar that correlate to irrational behaviour problems.

Bioresonance testing can discover the offending foods, their causes and eliminate their reactions when eaten, so the food can be eaten without stressing the body.