Paediatric & Cranial Techniques

Paediatric & Cranial TherapyAchieving a Diploma in Paediatric Osteopathy at the Osteopathic Centre for Children (Harley St, London) in 1998 after four years of post graduate training.

I have almost 20 years of experience in clinic treating babies and children for a wide range of symptoms including colic, birth trauma, low immunity and recurring infections.

The therapy is very gentle but immensely effective in treating not only birth trauma and conditions linked to that, but also for recurring childhood symptoms of infection, behavioural problems, growth issues such as musculoskeletal pain, headaches and many more.

My own speciality during my training at the centre in London was being able to discover food intolerances in babies and children by palpation, signs and symptoms and through Bioresonance Therapy. Successful treatment outcomes have been achieved following therapy in over 80% of cases.

Allergy treatment


There are many types of headaches in adults that may also be caused by food intolerances and organ dysfunction and these can be treated successfully following testing to discover the major stressors.